Hydrology & Water Management Services

Westrek’s multi-disciplinary team of engineers, geoscientists, hydrologists, and GIS analysts provides timely and cost-effective hydrologic solutions.

We serve clients across various sectors, including power, forestry, mining, land development, agriculture, and government.

Our Services

Innovative hydrology and water management solutions for diverse sectors.

hydrology water management

Drainage Assessments

We conduct thorough drainage condition assessments for subdivisions and roads, ensuring effective water management and infrastructure planning. Our assessments help mitigate flooding risks and promote sustainable development.

Watershed Analysis

Our team performs comprehensive watershed (basin) analyses to understand water flow dynamics and impacts. These analyses support informed decision-making for land use planning, conservation, and resource management.

Sector-Specific Solutions

We offer tailored hydrologic solutions for various industries, including power transmission, forestry, mining, and agriculture. Our expertise ensures compliance with regulatory standards and enhances operational efficiency.

Government and Private Sector Services

We provide services to all government levels and private landowners, and subcontract specialist expertise to larger consulting firms. Our flexible approach meets the unique needs of each client, delivering reliable and efficient solutions.

Why Choose Our Services?

Expert-driven, multidisciplinary hydrologic solutions for sustainable and efficient water management.

Diverse Expertise

Our team includes experienced engineers, hydrologists, geoscientists, and GIS analysts.

Broad Sector Coverage

We serve clients in power, forestry, mining, agriculture, land development, and all government levels.

Collaborative Approach

We work directly with clients and subcontract to larger firms, providing specialized expertise as needed.

For more information or to request a quote, please contact us. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with your hydrology and water management needs.

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